We are the only species that can help all the others in need. We are the reason so many animals are extinct and endangered. We need to make the change to save what we can while we still can. There are some simple things that anyone can do, and you can also donate to organizations that help out with endangered species and work to save them. However, they can't save them without our help. These small adjustments take barely any effort and may seem pointless and insignificant, but if we all can make these adjustments, it will have a colossal difference.
Some things you can do to help these organisms are recycling, walking and/or biking more, and buying specific brands of fish. It may sound cliché, but recycling really helps. Recycling lowers the demand of paper and leads to less forest habitats being cut down. This means animals get to stay in their homes, and there's less carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. Less carbon dioxide means less fuel for global warming, and global warming is one threat to some endangered species. Walking and/or biking more also lets less car emissions. This also means less fuel for global warming. Buying specific brands of fish allows you to avoid companies that ignore bycatch and leave the dolphins, porpoises, sea turtles, and sharks to die. In general, fish from the U.S. usually is more eco friendly and better with bycatch. This is because of strict laws in the U.S. with fishing and bycatch according to nrdc.org. If you make at least one of these changes a habit, it can make a huge change.
There are several charities you can donate to help endangered species. Though donating isn't necessary, it does provide extra help if you wish for even more ways to help. Some organizations like WWF (World Wildlife Fund) allow you to "adopt" an endangered or vulnerable animal so that they can take one in and help it. For more, visit the websites noted on the Who's Already Helping page.